
In Plone, behaviors are a way to add reusable functionality to content objects without modifying the objects themselves. Behaviors are essentially small chunks of code that can be plugged onto content types to provide new features or capabilities.

A Plone behavior could be used to

  • add a set of form fields (on standard add and edit forms),

  • add logic as part of the adapter,

  • enable a particular event handler,

  • enable one or more views, viewlets, or other UI components,

  • do anything else which may be expressed in code via an adapter or marker interface.

Behaviors can be added to content types on an as-needed basis, allowing for a high degree of flexibility and customization.

Plone already provides lots of behaviors for the built-in content types.

Other behaviors are implemented as add-on products, which can be installed and configured through the Plone control panel. Once a behavior has been installed, it can be applied to any content type by selecting it in the Content Types control panel. This allows items of this content type to gain the additional functionality provided by the behavior.

A key feature of behaviors is that they allow encapsulating functionality so that it can be reused for multiple content types without needing to reimplement it. Overall, behaviors are an important part of the Plone content management system and allow for powerful customization and extensibility of content objects.

Built-in behaviors#

To view a complete list of built-in behaviors, browse to Content Types control panel, then click Page (or any other content type), then Behaviors.

short name




Allow discussion

Allow discussion on this item


Basic metadata

Adds title and description fields.



Enables Volto Blocks support


Blocks (Editable Layout)

Enables Volto Blocks (editable layout) support



Adds keywords and language fields.



Adds collection behavior


Date range

Adds effective date and expiration date fields.


Dublin Core metadata

Adds standard metadata fields (equals Basic metadata + Categorization + Effective range + Ownership


Event Attendees

Attendees extension for Events.


Event Basic

Basic Event schema.


Event Contact

Contact extension for Events.


Event Location

Location extension for Events.


Event Recurrence

Recurrence extension for Events.


Exclude From navigation

Allow items to be excluded from navigation


Folder Addable Constrains

Restrict the content types that can be added to folderish content


Full-Text Indexing

Enables the enhanced full-text indexing for a content type. If a field in the schema is marked with the searchable directive, its content gets added to the SearchableText index in the catalog


Head title field

Adds Head title field


Lead Image

Adds image and image caption fields



Locking support for dexterity


Multilingual Support

Make this content type multilingual aware. Multilingual support must be installed.


Name from file name

Automatically generate short URL name for content based on its primary field file name


Name from title

Automatically generate short URL name for content based on its initial title


Navigation root

Make all items of this type a navigation root


Navigation title

Navigation title used in sections, menus and doormats


Next previous navigation

Enable next previous navigation for all items of this type


Next previous navigation toggle

Allow items to have next previous navigation enabled



Adds creator, contributor, and rights fields.


Preview Image

Preview image for listings


Preview Image Link

Preview image for listings based on links


Related items

Adds the ability to assign related items



Adds richtext behavior


Short name

Gives the ability to rename an item from its edit form.


Table of contents

Adds a table of contents


Thumbs and icon handling

Options to suppress thumbs and/or icons and to override thumb size in listings, tables etc.



Versioning support with CMFEditions


For each behavior in the table above, one may view the source code of the checkbox (its name attribute) to view its Short Name. An issue has been created to better expose these in the user interface. Control panel for Content Type > Behaviors short names not displayed to user Products.CMFPlone#3706

Adding or removing a behavior from a content type#

There are two ways to add or remove a behavior on a content type:

  • Through the web using the Content Types control panel.

  • Using a custom add-on GenericSetup profile.

Through the web#

  1. Go to the Site Setup and chose the Content Types control panel.

  2. Select the content type to which you want to add or remove a behavior.

  3. Then click on the Behaviors tab of the settings of the content type.

  4. A list of all available behaviors appears. Select or deselect the checkbox of the behavior you want to add to or remove from the type.

  5. Save the form by clicking on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Using a GenericSetup profile#

Given you already have a custom add-on with a profiles/default directory, and you created a custom behavior named mybehavior.subtitle.

If you want to enable a behavior on an existing content type, create a new directory types under profiles/default. In the types directory, create a file named the same as the content type you want to change. In the example here, you want to add a behavior to the built-in Event content type. Create a file named Event.xml. It is a Factory Type Information (FTI) definition. You need to change only the behavior's configuration. All other parts can be ignored. The file Event.xml contains the following.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    meta_type="Dexterity FTI"
  <property name="behaviors" purge="false">
    <element value="myproject.subtitle" />

After you apply the profile (or uninstall and install the custom add-on), the behavior is effective on the Event content type.

Custom behaviors#

There are two types of behaviors:

Schema-only behaviors

These behaviors have only a schema with fields.

Full behaviors

A Python class containing the logic of the behavior, an interface or schema defining the contract of the behavior, and a marker interface applicable to a content type.

Create a schema-only behavior#

Given you want to add a field subtitle to some existing content types of your custom add-on.

You need to create a file in your add-on:

from plone.autoform.interfaces import IFormFieldProvider
from plone.supermodel import model
from zope import schema
from zope.interface import provider

class ISubtitleBehavior(model.Schema):
    """Subtitle behavior."""

    subtitle = schema.Text(
        description="A title to be displayed below the title",

You need to add a ZCML snippet to the configure.zcml next to


After a restart of Plone, the behavior can be added to the content type in the Content Types control panel. The add and edit forms contain a new field Subtitle.

This field is not displayed in most views. To display the entered data in this field, you need to modify the page template by adding the field context.subtitle.

Creating a behavior with an adapter and factory#

Given you want to display a price with different content types. The price is stored as the net value on the type as a floating point number. For display, you need at several places the value added tax (VAT) and the gross value.

You create a schema with the net value for the form and attributes for the calculated values. You create an adapter to calculate the VAT and gross values. You need a marker interface to distinguish between context and adapter.

Add Python code in the file

from plone.autoform.interfaces import IFormFieldProvider
from plone.supermodel import model
from zope import schema
from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.interface import provider

class IPriceBehavior(model.Schema):
    """Behavior: a price, VAT and gross."""

    price_net = schema.Float(
        title="Price (net)",
    price_vat = Attribute("VAT 20% of net price")
    price_gross = Attribute("Price gross (net + VAT 20%")

class IPriceMarker(Interface):
    """Marker for content that has a price."""

class PriceAdapter:
    def __init__(self, context):
        self.context = context

    def price_net(self):
        """Getter, read from context and return back"""
        return self.context.price_net

    def price_net(self, value):
        """Setter, called by the form, set on context"""
        self.context.price_net = value

    def price_vat(self):
        return self.price_net * 0.2

    def price_gross(self):
        return self.price_net + self.price_vat

The registration in the configure.zcml:

  title="Price with net, VAT and gross"

After a restart of Plone, the behavior can be added to the content type in the Content Types control panel. The add and edit forms contain a new field Price (net).

This field is not displayed in most views. To display the entered data in this field, you need to modify the page template by adding the price_net field as context.price_net. To access the price_vat and price_gross fields from a browser view, you need to get the adapter from the context of the view:

from .price import IPriceBehavior

class SomeViewClass:

    def vat(self):
        price_for_context = IPriceBehavior(context)
        return price_for_context.price_vat

    def gross(self):
        price_for_context = IPriceBehavior(context)
        return price_for_context.price_gross

Create a behavior with PloneCLI#

To add a behavior to your add-on, you can use PloneCLI as follows:

plonecli add behavior

This will create the behavior Python file in the behaviors folder where you can define your behavior's schema fields, and registers the behavior in the configure.zcml.

Further reading on working with behaviors#

See also

See the chapter Behaviors from the Mastering Plone 6 Training.

How behaviors work#


Skip this section if you do not want to dive deeper into the internals of behaviors. You do not need to know this, but it may help if you run into problems.

In Plone, behaviors can be globally enabled on content types at runtime. With add-ons, behaviors can be enabled even on a single content object or for a whole subtree in the content hierarchy.

Interfaces and adapters#

To explain interfaces and adapters, let's begin with an analogy using electrical systems.

An electrical outlet provides an interface through which electricity passes. When you travel to another country, you may need an outlet adapter for the outlet (the interface). For example, assume you have a device that has a plug for Schuko outlets, and in Italy there are Type L outlets. If we were to represent the behavior of choosing the correct outlet adapter in Plone, you would do the following.

  • You need an outlet adapter for your Schuko plug.

    1. You look at the outlet and see it is Type L.

    2. You look in your box containing different adapters and choose the correct outlet adapter to use.

    3. You plug that into the wall outlet.

    4. Finally, you can use your Schuko providing device on an Italian Type L outlet.

  • In Python, you would call getAdapter(context, ISchuko) (context is here the outlet type), which would then do the following.

    1. Determine the type of interface provided by the context. As a result, it finds ITypeL interface.

    2. Looks in the component registry if there is a class that adapts to ITypeL. At the same time, it provides the requested ISchuko adapter.

    3. Initializes the adapter class with the context, and returns it as the result.

    4. Finally, the ISchuko providing adapter can be used on a ITypeL providing context.

This process of choosing the right adapter based on the information of the context and the requested interface implements the design pattern of an abstract factory.


The notation ISchuko(context) is a shortcut for getAdapter(context, ISchuko). It executes exactly the same logic behind the scenes with the same result.

Similarly, using the behavior code example above:

  • You would call an abstract factory with getAdapter(context, IPriceBehavior) to get an adapter, price_for_context. Although it is an interface, it is more of a shortcut to factory usage.

  • The adapter that is specific to the given content type is assigned to the variable price_for_context. Now you can use price_for_context for whatever you like.

When a behavior is enabled for a particular object, it will be possible to adapt that object to the behavior's interface. Otherwise, when the behavior is disabled, adaptation will fail or falls back to a more generic adapter, if any is registered.

A behavior is at least a combination of an interface (also as a form field provider); metadata such as a name, title, and description; and sometimes an adapter factory with a marker interface. When a behavior is enabled, an interface is added to the content object to indicate its presence. In other words, the content object now provides the interface.

Behaviors without an adapter factory can be used either as a simple marker or to provide additional form fields. In this case, adapting a content object with this interface returns the content object itself, because adapting an object that already provides the exact same interface returns the very same object. Based on the now-provided interface, specific views can be registered with the content type, or event handlers can be registered to respond to specific actions.

In other cases, there is also an adapter factory (usually a Python class), which will be invoked (initialized) to get an appropriate adapter when requested. If an adapter factory is used, an explicit marker interface is required.

With an adapter factory in place, custom getters and setters for form fields can be implemented, or even new methods. For example, calculations or the combination of data can be added.


Behaviors are registered globally using the <plone.behavior /> ZCML directive. Internally, this directive registers a named utility that provides plone.behavior.interfaces.IBehavior. This utility contains combined information about the behavior, such as its name, interface, factory or marker interface, and metadata.

See also

The README file of plone.behavior explains the concepts and different ways to register a behavior in detail.

Lookup and provide#

Plone content objects have logic to look up the behaviors' names registered from their types' configuration, the Factory Type Information (FTI). At runtime, the logic provides the interface (or marker) from the behavior to the object. This dynamically provided interface enables the component architecture to react to this new interface by adding additional form fields, bindings events, enabling more specific views, and more.