
Views are the basic elements of modern Python web frameworks. A view runs code to set up Python variables for a rendering template. The output is not limited to HTML pages and snippets, but may contain JSON, file download payloads, or other data formats.

Views are usually a combination of:

  • a Python class, which performs the user interface logic setup, and

  • corresponding Templates, or direct Python string output.

digraph viewstructure { { node [margin=5,shape=box] } ZCML -> {Python, Template}; }

Templates should be kept simple. Logic should be kept in a separate Python file. This enhances readability and makes components more reusable. You can override the Python logic, the template file, or both.

When you work with Plone, the most common view type is BrowserView from the package Products.Five. Other view types include DefaultView from plone.dexterity and CollectionView from

Each BrowserView class is a Python callable. The BrowserView.__call__() method acts as an entry point to executing the view code. From Zope's point of view, even a function would be sufficient, as it is a callable.

Creating and registering a view#

This section shows how to create and register a view in Plone.

Creating a view#

Create your add-on package using plonecli:

plonecli create addon collective.awesomeaddon

Then change the working directory into the created package, and add a view:

cd collective.awesomeaddon
plonecli add view

Python logic code#

Depending on how you answered the questions when invoking plonecli, it generated a Python file at the location src/collective/awesomeaddon/views/ with the following content.

# from import _
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from zope.interface import Interface

# from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

class IMyView(Interface):
    """Marker Interface for IMyView"""

class MyView(BrowserView):
    # If you want to define a template here, please remove the template attribute from
    # the configure.zcml registration of this view.
    # template = ViewPageTemplateFile('')

    def __call__(self):
        # your code here

        # render the template
        return self.index()


Do not attempt to run any code in the __init__() method of a view. If this code fails and an exception is raised, the zope.component machinery remaps this to a "View not found" exception or traversal error.

Additionally, a view class may be instantiated in other places than where you intended to render the view. For example, does this when creating the menu to select a view layout. This will result in the __init__() being called on unexpected contexts, probably wasting a lot of time.

Instead, use a pattern where you have a setup() or similar method which __call__() or view users can explicitly call.

Registering a view#

Zope 3 views are registered in ZCML, an XML-based configuration language. plonecli did the following registration in src/collective/awesomeaddon/views/configure.zcml for you.

The following example registers a new view. See below for comments about what the code does.





Specifies which content types receive this view. for="*" means that this view can be used for any content type. This is the same as registering views to the zope.interface.Interface base class.


The name by which the view is exposed to traversal and getMultiAdapter() look-ups. If your view's name is myview, then you can render it in the browser by calling http://yourhost/site/page/@@myview.


This is the permission needed to access the view. When an HTTP request comes in, the currently authenticated user's access rights in the current context are checked against this permission. See Permissions for Plone's out-of-the-box permissions. Usually you want to use zope2.View, cmf.ModifyPortalContent, cmf.ManagePortal, or zope2.Public here.


This is a Python dotted name for a class based on BrowserView, which is responsible for managing the view. The Class's __call__() method is the entry point for view processing and rendering.


You need to declare the browser namespace in your configure.zcml to use browser configuration directives.

The view in question is registered against a layer. It will be available after restart, after running the GenericSetup profile.

Page template#

Depending on how you answered the questions when you invoked plonecli, it created a template at src/collective/awesomeaddon/views/ with the following content.

<html xmlns=""
  <metal:content-core fill-slot="content-core">
  <metal:block define-macro="content-core">

      <h2 i18n:translate="">Sample View</h2>
      <!--<div tal:replace="view/my_custom_view_method" />-->
      <!--<div tal:replace="context/my_custom_field" />-->


When you restart Plone, and activate your add-on, the view should be available through your browser.

Accessing your newly created view#

Now you can access your view within the news folder by visiting the following URL.


Or on a site root:


Or on any other content item.

You can also use the @@ notation at the front of the view name to make sure that you are looking up a view, and not a content item that happens to have the same ID as a view:


Template slots#

In the generated template above, we have a fill-slot attribute, which will fill the slot with the name content-core, which is defined in Plone's main_template. The following list shows the available options for <metal fill-slot=""> in your template.


Please note that our template above inherits from <html metal:use-macro="context/main_template/macros/master">.

Metadata in head#


Used to set parameters on the request, for example to deactivate the left and right columns or caching.

     tal:define="dummy python:request.set('disable_border',1);
                 disable_column_one python:request.set('disable_plone.leftcolumn',1);
                 disable_column_two python:request.set('disable_plone.rightcolumn',1);" />

Used to define HTML head elements, such as link tags for RSS and CSS.


Used to define style tags to load CSS files.


Used to define script tags to load JavaScript in the HTML head tag.


Keep in mind that even though you can include CSS and JavaScript this way, most of the time you should register it in the resource registry.

Global status message#


Used to fill in global status messages.

Content slots#


The content area, including the title, description, content-core and viewlets around them.


A slot inside the content macro.


Overrides the main slot in the main template. You must render title and description yourself.


title and description prerendered.


Content description for your view.


Content body specific to your view for Plone version 4.x or greater.

Asides and portlets#

  • column_one_slot

    • portlets_one_slot

  • column_two_slot

    • portlets_two_slot

Relationship between views and templates#

The ZCML <browser:view template=""> directive will set the index class attribute.

The default view's __call__() method will return the value returned by a call to self.index().

For example, the following ZCML configuration:


together with the following Python code:

from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

class MyView(BrowserView):

    index = ViewPageTemplateFile("")

is equal to the following ZCML configuration:


together with this Python code:

class MyView(BrowserView):

Rendering of the view is done as follows:

from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

class MyView(BrowserView):

    # This may be overridden in ZCML
    index = ViewPageTemplateFile("")

    def render(self):
        return self.index()

    def __call__(self):
        return self.render()

Several templates per view#

You can bind several templates to one view and render them individually. This is useful for reusable templating, or when you subclass your functional views.

from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView
from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

class CourseTimetables(BrowserView):

    template1 = ViewPageTemplateFile('')
    template2 = ViewPageTemplateFile('')

    def render_template1(self):
        return self.template1.render(self)

    def render_template2(self):
        return self.template2.render(self)

And then in the template call:

<div tal:replace="structure view/render_template1">

<div tal:replace="structure view/render_template2">

View __init__() method special cases#

The Python constructor method of the view, __init__(), is special. You should almost never try to put your code there. Instead, use the _call__() method or further helper methods called from it.

The __init__() method of the view might not have an acquisition chain available, meaning that it does not know where is its parent or hierarchy. This also means that you don't have user information and permissions for the view.

This information is set after the constructor has been run. All Plone code relies on the acquisition chain, which means almost all Plone helper code does not work in __init__(). Thus, the called Plone API methods return None or tend to throw exceptions.


Views can be registered against a specific layer interface. This means that views are only looked up if the specified layer is in use. Since one Zope application server can contain multiple Plone sites, layers are used to determine which Python code is in effect for a given Plone site.

A layer is in use when either:

  • a theme which defines that layer is active, or

  • if a specific add-on product which defines that layer is installed.

You should register your views against a certain layer in your own code.

For more information, read the Layers chapter.

Register and unregister a view directly using zope.component architecture#

The following is an example of how to register a view directly using the zope.component architecture:

import zope.component
import zope.publisher.interfaces.browser

    # Our class
    # (context, request) layers for multiadapter lookup
    # We provide None as layers are not used
    adapts=(None, None),
    # All views are registered as IBrowserView interface
    # View name

The following is an example of how to unregister the same view:

# Dynamically unregister a view
gsm = zope.component.getGlobalSiteManager()
                      required=(None, None),

Customizing views#

To customize existing Plone core or add-on views, you have different options.

  • Usually you can override the related page template file (.pt).

  • Sometimes you also need to change the related Python view class code. In this case, you override the Python class by using your own add-on which installs a view class replacement using an add-on specific browser layer.

Overriding view template#

The recommended approach to customize .pt files for Plone is to use a little helper called z3c.jbot.

If you need to override templates in core Plone or in an existing add-on, you can do the following:

  • Create your own add-on with plonecli, which you can use to contain your page templates on the file system.

  • The created package already contains an overrides folder for z3c.jbot in browser/overrides Here you can place your template overrides.

  • z3c.jbot can override page templates (.pt files) for views, viewlets, old style page templates, and portlets. In fact, it can override any .pt file in the Plone source tree, except the

Overriding a template using z3c.jbot#

  1. First of all, make sure that your customization add-on supports z3c.jbot. Add-on packages created by plonecli have an overrides folder in the browser folder where you can drop in your new .pt files.

  2. Locate the template you need to override in the Plone source tree. You can do this by searching in all the installed packages for .pt files. If you use buildout with the collective.recipe.omelette recipe, a good folder to search in is ./parts/omelette.

    The following is an example UNIX find command to find .pt files. You can also use Windows Explorer file search or similar tools:

    find -L ./parts/omelette -name "*.pt"
  3. Make a copy of the .pt file you want to override. To override a particular file, first determine its canonical filename. It is defined as the path relative to the package within which the file is located. Directory separators are replaced with dots.

    Suppose you want to override plone/app/layout/viewlets/

    You would use the filename

    Place the file in the registered overrides folder in your add-on.

    Make your changes in the new .pt file.


    After overriding the template for the first time (adding the file to the overrides folder), you need to restart Plone. z3c.jbot scans new overrides only during the restart.

After the file is in place, changes to the file are instantly picked up. The template code is re-read on every HTTP request.

If you want to override an already overridden template, read How can I override an already overridden template by jbot?.

Overriding a view class#

In this example, we will override the @@register form from the package, creating a custom form which subclasses the original. We assume you already have created a Plone add-on package with plonecli. As such, you will have the following browser layer interface and its registration in profiles/default/browserlayer.xml.

  • Create an interface in

    from plone.theme.interfaces import IDefaultPloneLayer
    class ICollectiveAwesomeaddon(IDefaultPloneLayer):
      """ A marker interface for the theme layer
  • Then create profiles/default/browserlayer.xml:

  • Create views/configure.zcml:



    We have retained the permissions and marker interface of the original view. You may provide a specific permission or marker interface instead of these as your product requires.

  • Create views/

    from import RegistrationForm
    class CustomRegistrationForm(RegistrationForm):
      """ Subclass the standard registration form


You can also add a view to your package via plonecli and place the Python code and ZCML registration in the generated view files as shown above. This way you also have a test for the generated view.

Guided information#

The Mastering Plone Training has several chapters on views.

Anatomy of a view#

Views are Zope Component Architecture (ZCA) multi-adapter registrations.

Views are looked up by name. The Zope publisher always does a view lookup, instead of traversing, if the name to be traversed is prefixed with @@.

Views are resolved with three inputs:


Any class or interface for which the view applies. If not given, zope.interface.Interface is used (corresponds to a registration for="*"). Usually this is a content item instance.


The current HTTP request. The interface zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IBrowserRequest is used.


Theme layer and add-on layer interface. If not given, zope.publisher.interfaces.browser.IDefaultBrowserLayer is used.

Views return an HTTP request payload as the output. Returned strings are turned into HTML page responses.

Views can be any Python class taking in (context, request) construction parameters. A minimal view would be the following.

class MyView(object):

     def __init__(self, context, request):
          self.context = context
          self.request = request

     def __call__(self):
          return "Hello world. You are rendering this view at the context of %s" % self.context

However, in most cases:


Replace links to Plone 5.2 docs with links to Plone 6 docs. Specifically:

Views that render page snippets and parts can be direct subclasses of zope.publisher.browser.BrowserView, as snippets might not need acquisition support which adds some overhead to the rendering process.

Helper views#

Not all views need to return HTML output, or output at all. Views can be used as helpers in the code to provide APIs to objects. Since views can be overridden using layers, a view is a natural plug-in point which an add-on product can customize or override in a conflict-free manner.

View methods are exposed to page templates. As such, you can call view methods directly from a page template, not only from Python code.


Replace links to Plone 5.2 docs with links to Plone 6 docs. Specifically:

Historical perspective#

Often, the point of using helper views is that you can have reusable functionality which can be plugged in as one-line code around the system. Helper views also get around the following limitations:

  • TAL security.

  • Limiting Python expression to one line.

  • Not being able to import Python modules.


Using RestrictedPython scripts (creating Python through the Management Interface) and Zope Extension modules is discouraged. The same functionality can be achieved with helper views, with less potential pitfalls.

Reusing view template snippets or embedding another view#

To use the same template code several times you can either:

  • create a separate BrowserView for it and then call this view (see Accessing a view instance in code), or

  • share a ViewPageTemplate instance between views and using it several times.


The old way of doing this with TAL template language macros is discouraged as a way to provide reusable functionality in your add-on product. This is because macros are hardwired to the TAL template language, and referring to them outside templates is difficult.

If you ever need to change the template language, or mix in other template languages, you can do better when templates are a feature of a pure Python based view, and not vice versa.

The following code snippet is an example of how to have a view snippet which can be used by subclasses of a base view class. Subclasses can refer to this template at any point of the view rendering, making it possible for subclasses to have fine-tuned control over how the template snippet is represented.

from Products.Five import BrowserView
from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

class ProductCardView(BrowserView):
    End user visible product card presentation.

    # Nested template which renders address box + buy button
    summary_template = ViewPageTemplateFile("")

    def renderSummary(self):
        """ Render summary box

        @return: Resulting HTML code as Python string
        return self.summary_template()

Then you can render the summary template in the main template associated with ProductCardView by calling the method renderSummary() and TAL non-escaping HTML embedding.

<h1 tal:content="context/Title" />

<div tal:replace="structure view/renderSummary" />

<div class="description">
    <div tal:condition="python:context.Description().decode('utf-8') != 'None'" tal:replace="structure context/Description" />

The itself is a piece of HTML code without the Plone decoration frame (main_template/master, and other macros). Make sure that you declare the i18n:domain again, or the strings in this template will not be translated.

<div class="summary-box" i18n:domain="your.package">

Accessing a view instance in code#

You need to get access to the view in your code if you are:

  • calling a view from inside another view, or

  • calling a view from your unit test code.

Below are two different approaches for that.

By using getMultiAdapter()#

This is the most efficient way in Python.


from Acquisition import aq_inner
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter

def getView(context, request, name):
    # Remove the acquisition wrapper (prevent false context assumptions)
    context = aq_inner(context)
    # May raise ComponentLookUpError
    view = getMultiAdapter((context, request), name=name)
    # Add the view to the acquisition chain
    view = view.__of__(context)
    return view

By using traversal#

Traversal is slower than directly calling getMultiAdapter(). However, traversal is readily available in templates and RestrictedPython modules.


def getView(context, name):
    """ Return a view associated with the context and current HTTP request.

    @param context: Any Plone content object.
    @param name: Attribute name holding the view name.

        view = context.unrestrictedTraverse("@@" + name)
    except AttributeError:
        raise RuntimeError("Instance %s did not have view %s" % (str(context), name))

    view = view.__of__(context)

    return view

You can also do direct view look-ups and method calls in your template by using the @@-notation in traversing.

<div tal:attributes="lang context/@@plone_portal_state/current_language">
    We look up the `lang` attribute by using `BrowserView` whose name is `plone_portal_state`.

Use a skin-based template in a Five view#

Use aq_acquire(object, template_name).

For example, get an object by its path, and render it using its default template in the current context.

from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_acquire
from Products.Five.browser import BrowserView

class TelescopeView(BrowserView):
    Renders an object in a different location of the site when passed the
    path to it in the querystring.
    def __call__(self):
        path = self.request["path"]
        target_obj = self.context.restrictedTraverse(path)
        # Strip the target_obj of context with aq_base.
        # Put the target in the context of self.context.
        # getDefaultLayout returns the name of the default
        # view method from the factory type information
        return aq_acquire(aq_base(target_obj).__of__(self.context),


Listing available views#

The following example is useful for debugging purposes.

from import registration
from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest

# views is generator of zope.component.registry.AdapterRegistration objects
views = registration.getViews(IBrowserRequest)

Listing all views of certain type#

How to filter out views which provide a certain interface:

from import registration
from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest

# views is generator of zope.component.registry.AdapterRegistration objects
views = registration.getViews(IBrowserRequest)

# Filter out all classes which implement a certain interface
views = [ view.factory for view in views if IBlocksView.implementedBy(view.factory) ]

Default view of a content item#

Objects have views for default, view, edit, and so on.

The distinction between the default and view views are that, for files, the default can be download.

  • The default view is configured in Content Types.

  • The default view is rendered when a content item is called. Even though they are objects, they have the __call__() Python method defined.

If you need to explicitly get a content item's view for page rendering, you can do it as follows:

def viewURLFor(item):
    cstate = getMultiAdapter((item, item.REQUEST),
    return cstate.view_url()


Replace links to Plone 5.2 docs to Plone 6 docs. Specifically:

Allow the contentmenu on non-default views#

In general, the contentmenu (where the actions, display views, factory types, workflow, and other select menus are located) is not shown on non-default views. There are some exceptions, though.

If you want to display the contentmenu in such non-default views, you have to mark them with the IViewView interface from, either by letting the class provide IViewView by declaring it with zope.component.implements or by configuring it via ZCML as follows:

<class class="">
  <implements interface="" />

Zope ViewPageTemplateFile versus Five ViewPageTemplateFile#


There are two different classes that share the same name ViewPageTemplateFile.

Compare the differences in code.

from import ViewPageTemplateFile


from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

The difference is that the Five version supports:

  • Acquisition.

  • The provider: TAL expression.

  • Other Plone-specific TAL expression functions, such as test().

  • Usually, Plone code needs the Five version of ViewPageTemplateFile.

  • Some subsystems, notably the z3c.form package, expect the Zope 3 (not Five) version of ViewPageTemplateFile instances.

Views and automatic member variable acquisition wrapping#

View class instances will automatically assign themselves as a parent for all member variables. This is because Five package based views inherit from Acquisition.Implicit base class.

For example, say you have a content item Basket with an absolute_url() of:


Then if you use this object in a view code's member variable assignment, such as in the method Viewlet.update():

self.basket = my_basket

…it will mess up the Basket content item's acquisition chain:

<Basket at /isleofback/sisalto/yritykset/katajamaan_taksi/d59ca034c50995d6a77cacbe03e718de>

This concerns views, viewlets, and portlet renderers. It will, for example, make the following code fail:

self.obj = self.context.reference_catalog.lookupObject(value)
return self.obj.absolute_url()  # Acquistion chain messed up, getPhysicalPath() fails

One workaround to avoid this mess is to use aq_inner when accessing self.obj values, as described in Dealing with view implicit acquisition problems in Plone.