Administrators Guide#

This guide is for administrators of Plone Documentation. It covers automated deployments, hosting, automated testing, previewing, and importing external package documentation into Plone Documentation.

Importing external docs with submodules#

To add an external package to Plone Documentation, we use git submodules. We did this with Volto documentation. Your package must be available under the Plone GitHub organization.

Inside the repository plone/documentation, add a git submodule that points to your project.

git submodule add submodules/my_package

Add a target docs/my_package in Makefile, then add docs/my_package to the deps target, following volto as a pattern. You might need to adjust the paths to your package's documentation after it is cloned.

To complete setup, generate a symlink to your project's docs, and build the docs, use a single command.

make html

To make it easier for other contributors to work with your project, update the following files, using volto as a model.

Commit and push your changes to a remote, and submit a pull request against plone/documentation@6-dev.